sábado, 16 de março de 2013

Dicas !!

Dicas de set's...

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Bom hoje eu vim para fazer um post rápido e diferente.

Eu criei cinco tipos de set's diferentes então vamos la,,


Armor: j6-Pirate.
Helm: Prismatic Poisonmaker's Band.
Sword: Overfiend Blade Nulgath.


Armor: Miners Team .
Helm: Prismatic Poisonmaker's Band.
Sword: Phoenix Blade.
Cape: Astral Runes.
Pet: Red FooPup 13.


Armor: SkyHunter.
Sword: Slient Sentinel Arms.
Cape: Legacy of Nulgath Cape.


Armor: Scrooge McLuck 13.
Helm: Prismatic Poisonmaker's Band.
Sword: Plumas Mortais Verdes.
Cape: Wings Of the Fallen Aranx.


Armor: Legion SkullSeeker.
Helm: Tainted Crow.
Sword: Unarmed.
Cape: Astral Runes.

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